
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Basics Of Writing A Research Paper

A dissertation is one of the most important and common requirements in high school and college. Students will definitely experience writing a dissertation at one point in their lives.

A dissertation is a formal written report which makes use of the scientific method. This sets it apart from other academic paper requirements such as essays and book reviews. Basically, a dissertation presents information in support of a certain view or idea on a specific issue or topic.

There are two main types of a dissertation: analytical and argumentative papers.

Doing dissertations can be quite fun and not that hard if you follow the basic steps and helpful tips in writing one. The first step in rating a dissertation will have to be choosing your dissertation help. Some professors or teachers give their students the freedom to choose their own particular topics to pursue within a general topic or theme. As much as possible, try to choose a topic which is closest to your interests. In this way, researching will not be such a drag and will in fact be very exciting and interesting for you because you will learn something new.

In addition to pursuing a topic of interest to you, make sure your research topic is also 'do-able' so to speak. You should take into consideration your limitations before deciding so you not only finish your dissertation but arrive at significant results as well.

Although a dissertation is way simpler than a dissertation or thesis, it is more or less like a mini-thesis. Think of your dissertation writing experience as a prelude to your thesis writing. And so, just like dissertation writing, one can get lost along the process of doing a research paper. In order to narrow your research, it is important to refine your topic and define your thesis statement or research question. The thesis statement or research question will define the ultimate objective of your dissertation and will guide the whole research process and the actual writing of the draft. Keep in mind however that your research question or dissertation statement could still change along the research process.

After choosing your topic and defining your dissertation statement or research question, the next step in doing your research paper is to do a review of literature. The review of literature basically means gathering all the significant studies and paper on your topic.

Next step would have to be data gathering. Primary and secondary sources can be used. Tools such as interviews, surveys, focus group discussions, direct observation, textual analysis etc. can be employed in order to collect the necessary information for the dissertation. After, these data are analyzed to answer the research question or to support or disprove the thesis statement.

Inquire your colleagues to form a type of a group anywhere you can discuss your thoughts and opinions. In spite of the broad differences, usually dissertation methodology chapter samples have the following sections: Title, Abstract, Foreword, Problem Statement, Aims, Methodology, Implications, Plan of Work, Review of Literature and Bibliography.

The last part of the dissertation would have to be the presentation of the findings followed by the limitation of the study and recommendations for future studies on the topic.

Again, one has to face the reality that sooner or later, you will be forced to write a dissertation. So getting acquainted with the format and steps of writing one will prove beneficial.

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  2. So getting acquainted with the format and steps of writing one will prove beneficial.

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