A good dissertation advice is like a first step in your project’s success or failure. Getting help with writing dissertation is not an easy task but if you chose your dissertation adviser carefully than this process will become a little ease of mind. A dissertation usually consists of twelve parts at max. These are the parts of your dissertation help in which you may divide your whole dissertation project. Following are those twelve parts of a dissertation.
1. Title
2. Acknowledgments
3. Abstract
The length of the Abstract should be no more than 300-500 words, but not included in the formal word count.
4. Contents
5. Chapter 1: Introduction
The length of the Introduction should be about 10% of the whole dissertation.
6. Chapter 2: Literature search
7. Chapter 3: Methodology
The Research Methodology chapters in length should be about 20% of whole dissertation.
8. Chapter 5: Analysis or discussion
The length of this section should be about 30% of the whole dissertation.
9. Chapter 4: Results
10.Chapter 6: Conclusions
This chapter in lengths should be about 15% of the whole dissertation
11. References Or Bibliography
12. Appendix
Formatting and editing Of Dissertation
* Begin each section on a new page
* Avoid having single, stray lines of text at the top or bottom of pages if they form part of a paragraph
* Use double spacing
* Write on one side of the page only
* Quotations and notes can be written in single line spacing
* Use standard default for margins; don’t try to cram too much on a page
* Number tables, charts, and figures and add suitable captions
* Short quotations should be set apart in their own indented paragraphs
* Use lower case, normal font for your text (including quotations) saving italics and bold for headings and special words
* Justified text looks neater
* Material that is not part of the main argument (eg database sheets, computer printouts, questionnaires) should be included as an appendix
* Numbers from one to nine are conventionally written as words, with those greater than 10 written as numbers
* Generally, do not use abbreviations (unless defined earlier in the text)
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