The first step to writing any thesis or dissertation is to make sure that you actually understand what they are and what has to be involved in the writing of them. A thesis is a statement that basically declares what it is that you believe and what you are planning on trying to prove in your essay or other work. Any good statement will help focus your search for information and is usually be located at the end of your opening paragraph.
Remember that if your assignment is requiring you to take a particular position on a certain subject then you are going to want to convey the position that you are taking in this thesis. You want it to be strong and sort of lead readers into the actual dissertation, and present readers with relevant evidence to back up your theories offered here.
The dissertation is the actual research project, and is an extended period of work that is usually divided up into chapters. There is a certainly methodology that you are expected to be clear about and it is important that you adhere to these methodological requirements and maintain a solid focus for the entire dissertation. You typically want to start with the thesis, although many people believe that it is easier to write the dissertation first. The structure should be as follows, in this specific order: title page, abstract, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, recommendations, acknowledgements, references, and appendices.
The abstract is one of the most important aspects of any thesis and should explain why the paper is important and then go on to give a basic summary of all the major results of the dissertation. To begin the dissertation, you first want to plan and brainstorm the relevant information. You want to start with a hypothesis and then present the reader with the collected evidence to support or deny this claim. Remember that every statement and all information that you use in the dissertation needs to be complete and accurate and any sources that you used during the writing of your paper must be included as references at the end. The discussions that you provide in the dissertation need to be correct and logical and easy for readers to follow.
You always need to be sure to edit your thesis and dissertation before handing them in, at least twice, so you can be sure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors and to ensure that you are handing in the best produced work possible. It is even a good idea to have someone else read the work over to give you a second opinion and then edit it once again after this. Each time you go over the work and proofread it you are going to notice areas that you can fix and improve.
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